Saturday, August 31, 2019

Entity Relationship Diagram Analysis

In this undertaking I have to roll up some entity, so an entity attributes and at last ERD.I think I will larn more about entity, attributes, Entity Relationship Diagram to make this undertaking. Description: Entity An Entity is an object or existent thing such as a tabular array or signifier. An Entity contains some information about himself. In the entity some informations can be stored. Properties Properties means the information or inside informations of an Entity. Attribute may incorporate assorted sorts of value like numeral, Characters, Integer etc. Simply attributes are the belongingss of entity.Entity Relationship Diagram ( ERD )An entity-relationship diagram is a information mold diagram and technique. ERD can make a graphical representation of the relationships between entities, the entities, and within an information system. There are three type relationships in the Entity Relationship Diagram ( ERD ) One to One One to Many Many to Many The chief constituents of Entity Relationship Diagram ( ERD ) Entity Properties Relationship CardinalityEntities:Department Capable Area Staff Plan Faculty Student Registration Examination Consequence Coursework Attendance AdvancementEntities with Properties:Department Department_ID ( PK ) Department_Name Department_Details Department_Leader Discipline Subject_Area_ID ( PK ) Subject_Area_Leader Subject_Area_Name Subject_Area_Details Department_ID ( FK ) Employee Employee_ID ( PK ) Employee_Leader Employee_Type Employee_Name Employee_JoiningDate Employee_Address Department_ID ( FK ) Plan Program_ID ( PK ) Program_Leader Program_Name Program_Type Program_Details Subject_Area_ID ( FK ) Registration Registration_ID ( PK ) Registration_Date Registration_Type Registration_cost Faculty Module_ID ( PK ) Module_Name Module_Leader Module_Details Module_Type Student_ID ( FK ) Program_ID ( FK ) Student Student_ID ( PK ) Student_Name Student_Type Student_Details Student_Address Module_ID ( FK ) Registration_ID ( FK ) Examination Exam_ID ( PK ) Exam_Details Exam_Name Exam_Date Exam_Time Student_ID ( FK ) Consequence Result_ID ( PK ) Result_Name Result_Type Result_Details Result_Date Result_time Exam_ID ( FK ) Coursework Coursework_ID ( PK ) Coursework_Name Coursework_Type Coursework_Details Student_ID ( FK ) Attendance Attendance_ID ( PK ) Attendance_Name Attendance_Type Attendance_Details Student_ID ( FK ) Advancement Progress_ID ( PK ) Progress_Type Progress_DetailsEntity Relationship Diagram ( ERD ) :Relationship sum-up:In my ERD plot some relation description are given in the below: In the Entity Relationship Diagram I find out the relation between section and capable country is one to many, because one section may hold many capable countries. In the scenario I can see one capable country may hold more plans. In the ERD diagram the relationship between plan and faculty is one to many. Many faculties are under of a plan. Module is used a foreign key of plans. In the ERD diagram the relationship between pupils and faculties are one to many, because one pupil may hold more than one faculty. In the relationship pupil primary key is used as a foreign key in the faculty entity. In the ERD diagram the relationship between pupil and test is one to many. One pupil may take part more tests. In the ERD diagram the relationship between pupil and coursework is one to many. One pupil may take part in the more coursework. In the ERD diagram the relationship between enrollment and pupil is one to many. The enrollment may be registers for more pupils at same clip. In the ERD diagram really I see the one to many dealingss. For this ground I include one to many relationships in the ERD diagram. In the existent life for database one to many relationship is perfect to me.DrumheadIn this undertaking I draw an entity relationship diagram. To pull the diagram I find out some entities and properties of entities. To make this undertaking I besides learn about entities, properties and entity relationship diagram.Task-02Introduction:It is said to normalise in the undertaking 2. For doing a database successfully Normalization must be needed. The activities of a database depend on standardization. Standardization helps to do a database rebelliously. In the undertaking I will seek to normalise for a section system in the organisation. The standardization occurs in some stairss. In the undermentioned stairss are given.Description:StandardizationIn the organisation all activities now depend on the computing machine system. Some corporate organisation need dat abase system for commanding all information. As a consequence database is most popular and indispensable things in the universe. For doing a database successfully standardization is the traditional manner. Without standardization it is impossible to do a database. Standardization is the procedure is used to form the informations absolutely in a database. I normalize the section information for some specific intent. The intent of standardization is divided into two parts. Removing unneeded informations and guaranting informations dependences. If same informations stay in some tabular array together the database may victim. Often it may data in the unrelated tabular array. To work out these jobs we can be done standardization. The intents of standardization are worthy to diminish the sum of infinite a database consumes and guarantee that information is logically stored. The public presentation of database direction system depends on the standardization. Some stairss are indispensable for standardization. The stairss are given briefly in the followers:Gathering informationsGathering informations is the first measure of standardization. When I normalize I will roll up all information in the phase. I will implement all informations of this measure in the following measure.Choosing a keyFor making standardization a key is indispensable. The key is the chief informations for standardization. All informations depend on the key. The key must be one from garnering informations.First Normal Form ( 1NF )Some functions have to follow in the stairss. Repeating informations in the standardization, sometime it may harmful for standardization, so it necessary to take reiterating informations in the standardization. Removing reiterating informations is the chief work in this undertaking.Second Normal Form ( 2NF )Second normal signifier ( 2NF ) is used to different and take same informations in the database. The phase besides provides farther inform ation for taking same informations in the database. The chief activities of the phase: The all informations of first normal signifier must be represented in the phase. Same information in the rows of database tabular array are removed in the phase. The relationship of new tabular array is made in the phase.Third Normal Form ( 3NF )In the 3rd normal signifier some activities are occurred. The undermentioned activities are given in the below: All demands of the 2nd normal signifier are present in the phase. The activities of the phase is removed some columns that are non dependent upon the primary key. The taking informations and information are non depended on the primary key of tabular array. For this ground these columns informations and information are removed.OptimizationOptimization is the last measure of standardization. I will bring forth the whole standardization by bring forthing a standardization diagram. The standardization diagram is symbol of a better database. If standardization tabular array is clear, informations base become clear.Gathering DatasDepartment_ID Department_Name Department_Details Department_Leader Capable Area_ID Capable Area_Leader Capable Area_Name Capable Area_Details employee_ID employee_Leader employee _Type employe _Name employee_JoiningDate Staff_Address Programme_ID Programme_Leader Programme_Name Programme_Type Programme_Details Student_ID Registration_ID Registration_Date Registration_Type Module_ID Module_Name Module_Leader Module_Description Module-Type Student_ID Student_Name Student_Type Student_Description Student_Address Module_ID Registration_ID Exam_ID Exam_Description Exam_Name Exam_Date Exam_Time Result_ID Result_Name Result_Type Result_Description Result_Date Result_time Coursework_ ID Coursework_Name Coursework_Type Coursework_Details Attendance_ID Attendance_Name Attendance_Type Attendance_Details Progress_ID Progress_Type Progress_DetailsChoosing a key:Student_idConverting to 1st Normal Form ( Remove to reiterating informations )Student ( Repeating ) :Department_id Department_name Student_id Student_name Student_email Student_phone Student_address Study_mode Employee_id Employee_name Employee_phone Employee_email Employee_addresses Sexual activity Program_id Program_name Program_time Credit_id Total_course_marks Total_module_marks Total_credit Consequence Module_id Module_name Module_leader Module_yearCapable Area ( Non Repeating ) :Subjectarea_id Subjectarea_name Subjectarea_LeaderConverting to 2nd Normal Form ( Remove parcel cardinal dependance )StudentStudent_id ( pk ) Student name Student electronic mail Studentphone Student reference Study manner Program Idaho ( fk ) Programe name Plan leaderRecognitionRecognition Idaho ( pk ) Student Idaho ( fk ) Entire coursework grade Exam grade Module grade Entire recognition ConsequenceFacultyModule Idaho ( pk Module leader Faculty name Programe Idaho ( fk ) Programe nameEmployeeEmployee Idaho ( pk ) Employee name Employee electronic mail Employee phone Employee reference Sexual activity Depatment Idaho ( fk ) Department nameDepartmentDepartment Idaho ( pk ) Department namePlanProgram Idaho ( pk ) Capable country Idaho ( fk ) Capable country name Programe name Plan leaderCapable countryCapable country Idaho ( pk ) Capable country name Department Idaho ( fk ) Department name Capable country leaderConverting to 3rd Normal Form: ( Remove not cardinal dependence ) :DepartmentDepartment_id ( PK ) Department_nameCapable AreaSubjectarea_id ( PK ) Subjectarea_name Department_id ( FK ) Subjectarea_Leader ( FK )EmployeeEmployee_id ( PK ) Employee_name Employee_phone Employee_email Employee_addresses Sexual activity Department_id ( FK )Student_moduleStudent_id ( PK ) Module_id ( PK )PlanProgram_id ( PK ) Subjetarea_id ( FK ) Program_leader ( FK ) Program_name Program_timeFacultyModule_id ( PK ) Module_name Module_leader ( FK ) Module_year Program_id ( FK )StudentStudent_id ( PK ) Student_name Student_email Student_phone Student_address Study_mode Program_id ( FK )RecognitionCredit_id ( PK ) Student_id ( FK ) Module_id ( FK ) Total_course_marks Total_module_marks Total_credit ConsequenceOptimization:Summary:In the undertaking I normalized for a section. I normalize for keeping database direction system. To make this undertaking I analyzed about standardization. I think I normalized good. Clear standardization helps to do a better database direction system. I learned more about standardization to make this undertaking.Undertaking 3Introduction:The undertaking 3 contains some subjects. Database Management System ( DBMS ) is component of the undertaking. I will make a database by utilizing Database Management System ( DBMS ) . There are some ways to do database. But I will make database in the SQL waiter, because it is easy and flexible to me. To do database I will do some tabular array, each tabular array will incorporate minimal 5 records.Description:Some stairss I followed to make this undertaking. The stairss and demands are given in the below:Database Management System ( DBMS ) :To pull off a database some strong functions are followed. Database directi on system is a sort of environment where all sorts ‘ functions and ordinance are included. A database direction system ( DBMS ) works as a database director. Database Management System ( DBMS ) is computing machine plan or package. The package helps others computing machine users create and entree informations in a database. Anyone can entree the information, where information is located it is non fact, It manages user petitions so that users and other plans are free from holding to understand informations in a multi-user system, on storage media and, who else may besides be accessing the information. Database direction system checks the unity of the database. The DBMS besides manage the hallmark procedure, merely authorized user and authorised web can entree the database. DBMS helps to do a secure database. Database direction system ‘s environment helps to do a good relationship in the database.The activities for this undertaking are following:MY database:Generated Scri pt from â€Å" Generate SQL Server Scripts Wizard † :SET ANSI_NULLS ON Travel SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ section ] ‘ ) AND type in ( N'U ‘ ) ) Get down CREATE TABLE [ dbo ] . [ section ] ( [ department_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, [ department_name ] [ nvarchar ] ( 50 ) NULL, CONSTRAINT [ PK_department ] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([ department_id ] ASC ) WITH ( IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF ) ON [ PRIMARY ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] End Travel SET ANSI_NULLS ON Travel SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ employee ] ‘ ) AND type in ( N'U ‘ ) ) Get down CREATE TABLE [ dbo ] . [ employee ] ( [ employee_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, [ employee_name ] [ nvarchar ] ( 50 ) NULL, [ employee_email ] [ nvarchar ] ( 50 ) NULL, [ employee_phon ] [ int ] NULL, [ employee_address ] [ nvarchar ] ( 50 ) NULL, [ department_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, [ sex ] [ nvarchar ] ( 1 ) NULL, CONSTRAINT [ PK_employee ] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([ employee_id ] ASC ) WITH ( IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF ) ON [ PRIMARY ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] End Travel SET ANSI_NULLS ON Travel SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ subjectarea ] ‘ ) AND type in ( N'U ‘ ) ) Get down CREATE TABLE [ dbo ] . [ subjectarea ] ( [ subjectarea_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, [ subjectarea_name ] [ nvarchar ] ( 50 ) NULL, [ department_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, [ subjectarea_leader ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [ PK_subjectarea ] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([ subjectarea_id ] ASC ) WITH ( IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF ) ON [ PRIMARY ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] End Travel SET ANSI_NULLS ON Travel SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ plan ] ‘ ) AND type in ( N'U ‘ ) ) Get down CREATE TABLE [ dbo ] . [ plan ] ( [ program_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, [ subjectarea_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, [ program_name ] [ nvarchar ] ( 50 ) NULL, [ program_leader ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, [ program_time ] [ nvarchar ] ( 50 ) NULL, CONSTRAINT [ PK_program ] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([ program_id ] ASC ) WITH ( IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF ) ON [ PRIMARY ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] End Travel SET ANSI_NULLS ON Travel SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ faculty ] ‘ ) AND type in ( N'U ‘ ) ) Get down CREATE TABLE [ dbo ] . [ faculty ] ( [ module_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, [ program_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, [ module_leader ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, [ module_name ] [ nvarchar ] ( 50 ) NULL, [ twelvemonth ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, CONSTRAINT [ PK_module ] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([ module_id ] ASC ) WITH ( IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF ) ON [ PRIMARY ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] End Travel SET ANSI_NULLS ON Travel SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ pupil ] ‘ ) AND type in ( N'U ‘ ) ) Get down CREATE TABLE [ dbo ] . [ pupil ] ( [ student_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, [ student_name ] [ nvarchar ] ( 50 ) NULL, [ student_email ] [ nvarchar ] ( 50 ) NULL, [ student_phon ] [ int ] NULL, [ student_address ] [ nvarchar ] ( 100 ) NULL, [ program_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, [ StudyMode ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, CONSTRAINT [ PK_student ] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([ student_id ] ASC ) WITH ( IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF ) ON [ PRIMARY ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] End Travel SET ANSI_NULLS ON Travel SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ student_module ] ‘ ) AND type in ( N'U ‘ ) ) Get down CREATE TABLE [ dbo ] . [ student_module ] ( [ student_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, [ module_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [ PK_student_module ] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([ student_id ] ASC, [ module_id ] ASC ) WITH ( IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF ) ON [ PRIMARY ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] End Travel SET ANSI_NULLS ON Travel SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ recognition ] ‘ ) AND type in ( N'U ‘ ) ) Get down CREATE TABLE [ dbo ] . [ recognition ] ( [ credit_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NOT NULL, [ student_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, [ module_id ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, [ total_coursework_marks ] [ int ] NULL, [ exam_marks ] [ int ] NULL, [ total_module_marks ] [ int ] NULL, [ total_credits ] [ int ] NULL, [ consequence ] [ nchar ] ( 10 ) NULL, CONSTRAINT [ PK_credit ] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([ credit_id ] ASC ) WITH ( IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF ) ON [ PRIMARY ] ) ON [ PRIMARY ] End Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_employee_department ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ employee ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ employee ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_employee_department ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ department_id ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ section ] ( [ department_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_subjectarea_department ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ subjectarea ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ subjectarea ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_subjectarea_department ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ department_id ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ section ] ( [ department_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_subjectarea_employee ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ subjectarea ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ subjectarea ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_subjectarea_employee ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ subjectarea_leader ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ employee ] ( [ employee_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_program_employee ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ plan ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ plan ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_program_employee ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ program_leader ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ employee ] ( [ employee_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_program_subjectarea ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ plan ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ plan ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_program_subjectarea ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ subjectarea_id ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ subjectarea ] ( [ subjectarea_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_module_employee ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ faculty ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ faculty ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_module_employee ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ module_leader ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ employee ] ( [ employee_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_module_program ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ faculty ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ faculty ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_module_program ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ program_id ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ plan ] ( [ program_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_student_program ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ pupil ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ pupil ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_student_program ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ program_id ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ plan ] ( [ program_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_student_module_module ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ student_module ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ student_module ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_student_module_module ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ module_id ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ faculty ] ( [ module_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_student_module_student ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ student_module ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ student_module ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_student_module_student ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ student_id ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ pupil ] ( [ student_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_credit_module ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ recognition ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ recognition ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_credit_module ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ module_id ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ faculty ] ( [ module_id ] ) Travel IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ FK_credit_student ] ‘ ) AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID ( N ‘ [ dbo ] . [ recognition ] ‘ ) ) ALTER TABLE [ dbo ] . [ recognition ] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [ FK_credit_student ] FOREIGN KEY ( [ student_id ] ) REFERENCES [ dbo ] . [ pupil ] ( [ student_id ] )Summary:I used SQL waiter for doing database. I draw the diagram by utilizing normalized diagram. Some tabular arraies I created to bring forth the diagram of database. I included all table mean five records. To make the undertaking absolutely I show all tabular arraies screen shot with records.Undertaking 4IntroductionThe chief activities are said in the undertaking. In the undertaking I will quire of my database. Now in the undertaking I will seek to implement. I will verify the operation of database. I will quire of the database harmonizing the outlook of the undertaking. I will follow the activities harmonizing the undertaking.Description:In the undertaking I have to make questions for find out some demands these are said to make in the undertaking. In the undermentioned these activities are given in the below:1.Name callings of all the Subject Area Leaders ( SALs )Querie:SELECT dbo.subjectarea.subjectarea_leader, dbo.employee.empl oyee_name, dbo.subjectarea.subjectarea_name FROM dbo.employee INNER JOIN dbo.subjectarea ON dbo.employee.employee_id = dbo.subjectarea.subjectarea_leaderEnd product:PLs along with the name ( s ) of the capable countryQuerie:SELECT dbo.program.program_leader, dbo.employee.employee_id, dbo.program.program_name FROM dbo.employee INNER JOIN dbo.program ON dbo.employee.employee_id = dbo.program.program_leaderEnd product:MLs along with the name ( s ) of the capable countrySELECT dbo.module.module_leader, dbo.employee.employee_name, dbo.module.module_name FROM dbo.employee INNER JOIN dbo.module ON dbo.employee.employee_id = dbo.module.module_leader2. Expose the undermentioned information for the â€Å" Artificial Intelligence † capable country:a ) The list of plans that belong to that capable country ;Querie:SELECT program_name FROM dbo.program WHERE ( subjectarea_id = ‘sa-03 ‘ )End product:B ) The list of faculties that belong to these plans ;Querie:SELECT dbo.program.program_id, dbo.module.module_name FROM dbo.program INNER JOIN dbo.module ON dbo.program.program_id = dbo.module.program_id WHERE ( dbo.program.subjectarea_id = ‘sa-03 ‘ )degree Celsius ) The list of pupils who have awarded a Pass for one of the facultiesQuerie:SELECT DISTINCT C.student_id, student.student_name, C.module_id, module.module_name, C.result FROM recognition AS C INNER JOIN faculty ON C.module_id = module.module_id INNER JOIN pupil ON C.student_id = student.student_id INNER JOIN plan ON module.program_id = program.program_id AND student.program_id = program.program_id INNER JOIN subjectarea ON program.subjectarea_id = subjectarea.subjectarea_id WHERE ( C.result = ‘pass ‘ ) AND ( subjectarea.subjectarea_id = ‘sa-03 ‘ )End product:3. Expose the name of all the pupils who belong to one plan – you can take which plan – of the â€Å" Database † capable country, along with the undermentioned information:a ) Their twelvemonth of survey ;Querie:SELECT DISTINCT dbo.student.student_id, dbo.student.student_name, dbo.program.program_id, dbo.program.program_name, dbo.module.year FROM dbo.student INNER JOIN dbo.program ON dbo.student.program_id = dbo.program.program_id INNER JOIN dbo.module ON dbo.program.program_id = dbo.module.program_id INNER JOIN dbo.student_module ON dbo.student.student_id = dbo.student_module.student_id AND dbo.module.module_id = dbo.student_module.module_id WHERE ( dbo.program.subjectarea_id = ‘sa-01 ‘ )End product:B ) The faculties they study ;Querie:SELECT DISTINCT dbo.student.student_id, dbo.student.student_name, dbo.module.module_name, dbo.student_module.module_id, dbo.student.program_id, dbo.program.program_name FROM dbo.student INNER JOIN dbo.program ON dbo.student.program_id = dbo.program.program_id INNER JOIN dbo.module ON dbo.program.program_id = dbo.module.program_id INNER JOIN dbo.student_module ON dbo.student.student_id = dbo.student_module.student_id AND dbo.module.module_id = dbo.student_module.module_id WHERE ( dbo.program.subjectarea_id = ‘sa-01 ‘ )End product:degree Celsiuss ) Their test and coursework Markss for these facultiesQuerie:SELECT, dbo.student.student_name,, dbo.module.module_name,,, dbo.student.program_id FROM INNER JOIN dbo.module ON = dbo.module.module_id INNER JOIN dbo.student ON = dbo.student.student_id INNER JOIN dbo.program ON dbo.module.program_id = dbo.program.program_id AND dbo.student.program_id = dbo.program.program_id where program.subjectarea_id='sa-01 ‘End product:Summary:Some quires are done in the undertaking harmonizing the functions of assignment. I finished the undertaking really carefully. As a proven I show some screen shooting of quires. I besides show SQL quires in the assignment.Undertaking 5Introduction:There are five undertakings in the assignment. Each undertaking is made for a specific and different subject. Such a undertaking is task 5. In the undertaking 5 I will seek to stand for a study for whole assignment. The study will incorporate the description of my system design for a section of an organisation. In this study I will besides include the inside informations information about undertaking one to five.DescriptionIn the phase I will seek to give a solution for this study.TitleReport no- Database Design and Development Recipient- Mrs Jesmin Aktar Author- Shanta MariaIntroduction of my premise:The rubric of the assignment is College Database Development. The college needs a computerized system for keeping the activities of a section. To keeping the section activities the college needs an ideal database direction system. To complete these activities of this assignment I mentioned each subject for the assignment in the separately. I think I learned more things as pupil, to make this assignment. After completing each undertaking right I will bring forth a study for discover my accomplishment on my analysis, design and thought accomplishment.Overview of whole assignment:The sum-up of the whole assignment, I want to bring forth a study. The study is given at the below:Undertaking 1EntityAn Entity is a existent thing such as a tabular array or signifier. An Entity contains some information about himself. The information of entity can assist for designation of entity.PropertiesAttributes refers the inside informations information of an Entity. There are many types are fixed for property. These values are like numeral, Characters, Integer etc. Properties are the chief belongings of entities.Entity Relationship Diagram ( ERD )An entity-relationship diagram is a diagram for informations patterning. Entity relationship diagram ensures the relationships between entities, the entities, and within an information system. Entity relationship diagram makes a database good understand. There are three type relationships in the Entity Relationship Diagram ( ERD ) One to One One to Many Many to Many The chief constituents of Entity Relationship Diagram ( ERD ) Entity Properties Relationship CardinalityUndertaking 2StandardizationSome corporate organisation need database system for commanding all information. To command information of organisation database must be needed. As a consequence database is most popular and indispensable things in the universe. Without standardization it is impossible to do a database. Standardization is the procedure is used to form the informations absolutely in a database. I normalize the section information for some specific intent. The intents of standardization are worthy to diminish the sum of infinite a database consumes and guarantee that information is logically stored. The public presentation of database direction system depends on the standardization. Some stairss are indispensable for standardization. In the assignment I followed some stairss for standardization. The stairss are given in the below: Gathering informations Choosing a key First Normal Form ( 1NF ) Second Normal Form ( 2NF ) Third Normal Form ( 3NF ) OptimizationUndertaking 3I used SQL waiter to do database in this undertaking. Making database was the function of the undertaking. As a consequence I designed a diagram and a database in the undertaking.Undertaking 4The undertaking holds information for SQL quires. Harmonizing the undertaking some quires are made to use in the database. To make SQL quires in the undertaking I learned more things about SQL bid and other secure information of SQL waiter.Footings of mention:The scope for investigated system is extended. All the inside informations about the system hold given. The current system and the new system image are clear in the scenario. Anyone can see and compare the scenario. The study focuses on the section of an organisation. The study is bring forthing with a inside informations description and information of the complete system analysis and design portion for the section of an organisation.Procedures and methods:In my assignment I used some techniques. I have investigated all the process in many ways. In the assignment I followed the operation and practically system of college and others pull offing activities. The chief process and method of the assignment is to settle the current system jobs and besides to present an ideal database system of the academy theatre for keeping the section procedure. In this assignment I used entity relationship diagram and other demands and processs.Recommendation:Harmonizing the users demands and after probe the system, I could happen out some jobs and some other job in the college development diagram. The keeping system of the college development diagram was really hard to pull off. To work out the jobs I provide the new IT system. I will seek and bring forth the really easy manner to pull off the college development diagram for keeping procedure or systems in the new database system of College Database Development. Requirement hardware: To set up the procedure some hardware and package are really indispensable. The name or hardware demands are given in the followers: Personal computer ( Include all hardware ) Network Connection SQL waiter Windows XP .NET modelFuture program for my database:In the assignment I produced a database direction system for a college section. There are many sections of the college. I will include more information about more sections in the database at future. To implement my database I will utilize latest tools. I will seek to happen how manner I can implement the database.Appendix:Entity Relationship Diagram ( ERD ) :Optimization diagram:DatabaseSummary:There are five undertakings in the assignment. The assignment contains some subjects of database. As a pupil any one can larn about database direction system from the topic. The undertaking five contains information of an premise. In the undertaking I tried to supply an ideal premise about the whole assignment.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Lord of the flies research

There are certain aspects of society that are questioned, and some of which, cannot be easily rationalized or clarified completely. An example of this would be the contemplation of the human nature of mankind. The question lingers, and is often examined in attempt to determine if mankind is originally good, or evil. Different opinions arise through a vast range of viewpoints pondering this topic. William Gilding wrote the novel, The Lord of the Flies with intention to show the corruption in society and failings of human nature as a whole.Gilding uses various literary devices to demonstrate what he viewed as the flaws of human nature. Through observance of the boys' behavior on the island, and changes made throughout the novel, one can see that man is naturally born good with evil that is eventually portrayed as corruption in society progresses. In the novel, competition for power is heavily shown through the characters. Due to the situation the boys are faced with, it is evident that corruption in society is likely to occur as each of them attempt to survive in unity.Jean-Jacques Rousseau emphasizes a widespread habit of blaming society for the evil deeds of people. He supports the idea of man initially born good with evil within because he believes that society is the real presence of the devil itself. Additionally, one can further understand through observance of characters that the boys each represented a vital part to society. As their society deteriorates, the boys also begin to lose their morals and eventually become more barbaric and ruthless. Transformations clearly occur within themselves, and the evil that was present in them all along begins to come through.The theory that man is born good with evil that is eventually portrayed as corruption in society progresses, can be verified by examining several points. They include, Rousseau outlook on the nature of man wanting to be a savage, and examination of young adults in today's influenced society. Prima rily, there have been past opinions on the topic of whether man is inherently born good or evil. Jean- Jacques Rousseau, an 18th century Geneva philosopher, believed that man was naturally born good. It was his theory that included a widespread blaming of society for the evil wrongdoings of people.Specifically, he states, â€Å"God makes all things good; man meddles with them and they become evil. † (Г?mile Introduction, 1762) In simpler terms, Rousseau is expressing his idea of man being naturally pure and innocent until the malevolent deeds of man in society corrupts him to becoming evil. Additionally, Rousseau states, â€Å"The world of ordinary human beings contains nothing beautiful†¦ It is created by society; the real presence of the devil. â€Å"(New Criterion, October, 1998) He goes as far as comparing society to the devil, which is a malevolent and a hell-like comparison.Rousseau theory greatly emphasizes that society is the preeminent blame to the evil th at is present in our society. Not only are there logical reasons from famous philosophers of past centuries, but commoners criticizing today's youth. An example includes, the difference in ways young adults present themselves today as oppose to years passed. One can agree that man has naturally good intentions and does not strive to harm others. Although this may be true, evil can be seen in the light of one's personality and appearance. Specifically, modern reality TV shows have been accused of depraving today's young adult population.A young author states, â€Å"Reality shows portray continuous partying, drinking, and promiscuity as the only way to have fun†¦ As young teenagers see this, they begin to make the wrong decisions and revolve their lives around idols of luxury. † She is clearly stating that because that show is presented to teens, the message that emulating the corrupted actions and appearance is what is socially acceptable to the world. Usually this change is seen as a rather negative one, regarding the fact and observing of what is socially accepted today both appearance and personality wise.This helps us analyze the fact that man is born good and is solely influenced by certain aspects of society because it is common for one to change his actions or appearance for what is currently popular and accepted. Through Rousseau theory and the young authors input, it is clear to see that man would have kept the goodness that is naturally in him if it wasn't for the negative prospects in society. The Lord of the Flies, written by William Gilding, portrays clear examples of how man is naturally born good but turns evil due to corruption in society.Predominantly, the sys all experience chaotic situations that lead them to a change in character, some more than others. The book does not start off with these situations but instead, displays the goodness that lies within each individual. As the novel progresses, it is clear to see how certain char acters undergo a transformation from good to evil resulting from their depraved society. Primarily, when the boys all meet for the first time, they all agreed that it was imperative to maintain order. Ralph first displays leadership when he says, â€Å"We've got to have special people for looking after the fire, NY day there may be a ship out there†¦ E ought to have more rules. † (Gilding 42) This clearly shows the goodness that lies in the boys as they are showing their want to maintain order for the best chance of survival. Not only does Ralph show signs of rationale, but Jack does also. He states, â€Å"l agree with Ralph. We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything. So we've got to do the right things. † (Gilding 42) Jack is depicting his goodness by offering some motivation to the boys and saying that they are better Han savages and meant to do the right things as Englishmen.Also, both Jack and Ralph are two of the oldest on the island, and they are undoubtedly taking on the majority of responsibility for the sake of everyone's survival. Both of them display signs of goodness because taking control and striving for unity are acts of benevolence and selflessness. There is an amount of time that passes where the boys are working together, creating more rules, and establishing a small civilization. Although this occurs, corruption within their society begins to arise. Jack and Ralph become increasingly frustrated.In the beginning of chapter 3 of the novel, Jack displays signs of annoyance during a hunting session as he let out his breath in a long sigh after not catching anything. When Jack returned to camp, he finds Ralph in a state of grievance as well. Ralph shows his signs of frustration by frowning and ranting about how all the boys previously agreed to help build shelters, but Simon was the only one who put in the time and effort. The corruption is shown h ere as Jack and his team have failed to obtain meat and how the boys did not follow through with helping, and are instead, playing, or bathing in the ocean.With the lack of unity, and the buildup of dissatisfaction intensifying amongst their group, it is clear to understand how evil and wrongdoings are likely to occur. By chapter 8 of the novel, the boys hold an assembly where Simon attempts to explain that the boys themselves, or something inherent in human nature, could be the beast they fear. Jacks transition from good to evil also becomes apparent first. Although Simony's theory was rejected, the conversation creates an interesting reaction from Jack. Jack combatively disputes Rally's authority and says, â€Å"Bollocks to the rules!We're strong- e hunt! (Gilding 91) and follows by leading a tribal dance with the boys. Gilding describes the boys' reaction as immediately being full of â€Å"noise and excitement, scrambling, screaming and laughter. † (Gilding 91-92) This cl early shows the boys agreement and enthusiasm from being introduced by something other than remaining calm and civilized. Evil is becoming more apparent as the boys are slowly drifting away from an orderly civilization and becoming influenced by Jacks vicious sacraments.By chapter 8 of the novel, even those who seemed to resist Jacks influence become more and more corrupt. Ralph, the boy who wanted to maintain constant order, reacts differently to their next pig dance. Gilding includes his feelings as, â€Å"Ralph too was fighting to get near, to get a handful of that brown, vulnerable flesh. The desire to squeeze and hurt was over-mastering†. (Gilding 104) Evil is even portrayed through Ralph as he is mindfully expressing his desire to harm another living thing. Ralph evidently shows his loss of morals and transformation due to the other boys' actions and malfeasance.As the dances continue, it is evident that they are becoming more atrocious and brutal. Evil is definitely po rtrayed through violence. Lastly, the boys display a clear act of evil by killing Simon for no apparent reason. In the moment of extreme chaos and excitement, the boys lost their self- control and beat Simon to death. What started out as a â€Å"game†, turned into mindless murder. It is also obvious to be classified as evil because no one in the moment attempted to stop it; they have been clearly brainwashed by their surroundings and have lost their original morals.The boys show a clear transition from good to evil by the corruption that occurred in the society. The boys being alone with no adults left them with a challenge of not only maintaining order in a civilization, but keeping their sanity as well. Through the examples of how they were eager to survive in the beginning, but them progressively losing sight of what's right versus wrong, shows that man is born naturally born good, but turned evil by the corruption that takes place within society.It is conspicuously seen t hrough the novel that the boys who were naturally good, transformed into evil beings due to their society. Through the criticism of certain symbols and characters, the theory is further proved. Gilding conveys many of his main ideas and themes through symbolic characters and objects. A common criticism of the conch has to do with what it actually symbolizes. An example includes, â€Å"At the beginning, the conch becomes a really powerful symbol for law, order and civilization. As the boys are slowly descending into savagery, the conch loses its influence among them.With Piggy's death the conch gets also crushed, signifying that civilization has been abolished, because almost all the boys have turned savage. † (Titian L) She is supporting the theory by describing how powerful a symbol the conch was. In summary, the conch was declared a symbol of civilization and order; it was an item the boys obeyed as if it was a living being. Once the conch was destroyed, it symbolized how t heir civilization failed, how the boys became savages, and how all order was lost. Since the boys eventually disregarded Rally's authority, Jack proved that he was of more importance and power.The criticism of Jacks character includes how he transformed from a motivator and role model for the boys, to an evil and malevolently-motives dictator. It has been said, â€Å"Jack soon challenges Rally's authority; the boys who follow Jack hunt the island's lid pigs for meat and for the thrill of the chase and the kill. † (Acidosis) In attempt by Jack to gain all control, he leads a hunt not only for pigs, but Just for the thrill. The fact that Jack has brainwashed almost all of the boys to killing Just for fun represents the idea that corruption in society turns man evil.Their continuous lack of order, and unity on the island allowed them to think that chaos and occasional malevolence was acceptable. Both symbolism and Jacks character represent the transformation from good to evil in one example. Further examination of Jacks character and the homeboys he portrays is seen when, â€Å"He looked in astonishment, no longer at himself but at an awesome stranger the mask was a thing on its own, behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self-consciousness† (Hardwood) Jacks character is being described as being transformed completely; he is free from any shame and worry.The painted mask on his face represents the wildness that has taken over him. The mask represents the newfound savagery he and his followers are a part of. Jack used to be enthusiastic about hunting and working together for survival purposes, UT his evil character is shown when he becomes more infatuated with the fun of harming others and abusing power. Through observance of the criticisms above, it is simple to understand how Gilding included a progressive corruption in society using symbols, and characterization.Consequently, the theory that man is born good with evil that is eventually p ortrayed due to society, is proved prominent in the novel. The theory that man is born good with evil that results from corruption in society can be rationalized by the understanding of certain concepts. General understanding of days society and what is currently influencing it can give background knowledge of this belief. Through Jean-Jacques Rousseau claim, William Gildings novel, The Lord of the Flies, and deeper analysis and criticism, one can grasp this idea.Gilding and Rousseau both examine the idea of society being a strong influence with behavior. They both make similar comparisons that deal with the devil and evil in general. Rousseau straightforwardly said that society was the devil itself, while Gilding included a symbol of the devil through the beast in his allegoric novel. Both include owe there is a strong potential for transformation from good to evil and it is evident through the Jacks transformation and Rousseau philosophical reasoning.Gilding also carried symbols o f high importance throughout the novel. The conch, for example, was the key to civilization. Once it was destroyed, it corresponded to how the boys did not succeed in unity. Through acknowledgment of Rousseau theory, Gildings purpose of depicting certain symbols and characters, and other supporting criticisms, it is evident to see that man is born pure and good until the depraved, rounding society begins to take hold and create a change for the worse.

Comparison of Parent-Child Relationship in Two Novels

The Parent-Child relationship in Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been, written by Joyce Carol Oates and in In the Gloaming, written by Alice Elliott Dark are two different demonstrations of relationships that parents and children have with one another. In Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been the Parent-Child Relationship was strained and distant in In the Gloaming, the Parent-Child Relationship was close and open. In Where Have You Been, Where Are You Going? Connie and her mother were always having conflicts with each other.Connie was a very beautiful girl and Connie thought her mother was jealous of her beauty. Her mother was probably not jealous of Connie but concerned and thought she would attract the wrong attention. Connie’s mom constantly made remarks about Connie’s makeup and how her hairspray smelt. Connie’s mother often ridiculed Connie when Connie looked in the mirror by saying, â€Å"Stop gawking at yourself. , who do you think you are? You th ink you are so pretty. † Connie would become so angry with her mother, she even wished her mother dead.Connie never liked to speak to her mother and did not want to be around her mother. In the presence of her mother Connie could not be herself so when she was away from her mother she would act and dress inappropriate for a 15 year old girl. Connie’s motivation for dressing provocatively was to attract attention from boys. Unbeknownst to Connie her mother was right, looking and dressing inappropriate would eventually cause Connie extreme danger. In the story In the Gloaming the Parent-Child Relationship was very different.Instead of being strained and distant the relationship are strong and loving. Laird’s mother was a compassionate mother who was so determined to make her son happy that it became an obsession. The only thing Laird’s mother cared about and thought about was making Laird happy. Laird and his mother often talked at enormous length about life , love and happiness. Laird’s mother was extremely open with Laird about her life. Laird also enjoyed talking to his mother about life, love and dreams. The dialogue between Laird and his mother would often become very personal.Laird was always thinking about his mother. Laird always wanted to know what she cared about and always wanted his mother’s opinion. Every night at sunset Laird, his mother and his father would eat dinner together. After dinner Laird’s father would go to his study work while Laird and his mother talked about everything. Laird and his mother would look out of the window and watch the sunset, the sky would turn a heather color, they would refer to this time of night as the â€Å"gloaming†. The gloaming became more than a sunset it became a symbol to Laird and his mother.Laird and his mother looked forward to their special time when nothing else mattered but themselves and their conversation. Laird’s mother treasured this speci al time because Laird was very ill and would soon die. Laird needed to know everything about his mother before he died and Laird’s mother needed to know everything about Laird before he died. So, every night they would sit and talk for hours. Laird was the love of his mother’s life, he and his mother were inseparable until the day he died. The relationship between Connie and her mother may have been different if one of them was ill.Furthermore, the relationship between Laird and his mother may have been more strained if Laird had not been ill and needed his mother so much. The Parent-Child relationship can be very different and at times very difficult. Some children see their parent’s in a different point of view than their siblings. The relationship can be a positive experience or a negative experience. Laird and his mother’s conversations became something to look forward to. Connie’s conversations with her mother became something she resented and dreaded.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Germans & germany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Germans & germany - Essay Example It is also a responsibility to protect the minority groups in the country from brutal treatment. It is an expression of humanity to the survivors and a show of responsibility to prevent crimes in the society (Cottrell 1). The memorial is a dedication to the Jews victims of the wars after the war in Germany. It does not technically keep out concentration camps Jews who suffered the fate of death at old age or from diseases. The title is appropriate, and no better title would fit the memorial than its apparent title. The Washington museum is a remembrance of the criminal activities that occurred during the killing of the Jews. It has a comprehensive history of the holocaust through artifacts and eyewitness testimonials, in the form of movies and films. It also has artifacts as well as photographs of the occurrences. However, there is no national monument on the victims of crime. This is because the slavery and genocide did not occur in the country. It would only be advisable to build the monument at the spot of the crime rather than in Washington. The tale of Emmaly Reed’s is a moving account, touching and reveals the reality of the brutality that the Nazis victims experienced. Her imprisonment for twelve years shows the extent of suffering that the victims underwent. She exposes the hangings that imprisoned victims underwent during the slavery and genocide that occurred. Cottrell, Chris. Memorial to Roma Holocaust Victims Opens in Berlin. The New York Times. October 24, 2012. Web. May 5, 2013. Retrieved from:

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Difference between Smuggling and Trafficking Coursework

The Difference between Smuggling and Trafficking - Coursework Example It often engages in a great deal of varied crimes, across a number of countries.Trafficking involving persons can be explicitly compared to contemporary forms of slavery that involves the utilization of people through threat, coercion, force, and deception including human and constitutional rights misuses for instance debt burden, denial of independence, and deprived of control over autonomy and employment. Every year, multitudes of migrants are smuggled illegitimately by highly and extremely well thought-out worldwide smuggling and trafficking persons or groups and usually in precarious or inhumane state of affairs. This occurrence has been on the rise in recent years and the international community and related persons and organizations are taking decisive actions to stop the progress of these severe criminal actions. The following involves various scholarly and peered reviewed books, articles, and journals explaining the difference between smuggling and trafficking. Accepted defini tions of smuggling and traffickingTraffickingTrafficking, mostly in persons, is broadly defined as the recruitment, moving, relocating, harboring or delivery of persons by way of threat, intimidation or use of power or other levels of compulsion or duress, of seizures, of deceit, of trickery, of the exploitation of power or in a situation of susceptibility or of the offering or receiving of money or benefits to accomplish the assent of an individual having power over other person and for the intention of full exploitation.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Reflective Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflective Report - Essay Example After my graduation would like work as an auto dealers to learn additional selling skills. Researching on more luxury brand through reading makes up part of my future goals. With this, I will be acquainted with information regarding the brands background, their strategies and target market. Using this information, I will be in a better position to compete effectively in the market. During the field research, I came up with a budget that was derived from an informed price and product quotations made after sending an email to the Fast Copy Company requesting the same. Consequently, the feed back report served a great deal with regard to influencing the number and types of fliers to be produced. In developing the deliverables identified in my proposal, I considered the need to increase their young listeners. To ensure the success of this project my team together with the Client opted to undertake active work during the class from Monday through Friday between 9:00am and 10:40 am. In addition, Email became an important means used to contact the clients. The development of our deliverables followed the production of three different flyers for Arizona Public Media KUAZ. This included three sets of 300 fliers each with various colors of 20lb and printed on neon paper. Here, each of the three members was responsible over production of a single style flier. Following this project, I learned that while working with client a person needs to get prior knowledge on some issue. These issues include the problem facing the clients at that moment as you are doing business, the aspects of a product or service that a client wants to change, and the specific need that usually is the driving force for the step taken. There are also other lessons that I learned of which I did not expect. This include the use a computer program referred as publisher to make fliers, the use of Email to

Monday, August 26, 2019

Managing conflicts on colleges Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Managing conflicts on colleges - Research Paper Example There emerged many cases of strikes in schools, may it be based on the administration part or the faculty part, the end game is not so entertaining. These conflicts have led to destruction of mass properties belonging to the public. There are also losses of lives among the participants and non-participants who may be the public. The causes of these conflicts have changing over the times. The main causes not being known in order to make better speculations and prevention matters. In trying to identify these problems their causes and the possible measures and their protection measures, I will go through the different divisions (Bowden, 2002). I will go through these divisions of the institutions and make a report that may assist in preventing and solving the conflicts. Residence halls conflicts These are the dwelling places of the students they may include, the dormitories, hostels, and the rental houses rented by the students, which are near the school. In the residence halls, there are minimal cases of conflicts, but the moment they arise, it is so severe. Conflicts in these areas arise mainly from the context of student placing and securing rooms for themselves. There are certain halls and rooms where the students find suitable and comfortable. Because of this the students scramble for this placements where they may even fight in order for one to secure a place there. In the case of securing rooms, every student in the colleges knows it is his/her right to have a room. Once the vice versa happens and a group of students do not secure themselves one they start demonstrations. The cases in the resident’s halls may be overlooked before it is too late in order to prevent the mass destructions from taking places. These measures may include specifying in writings and ev ery student made aware of their respective placements in the dormitories and the hostels (Patent Report, 1998).). The catering departments in the college may for example give the specifications on the rooms allocated to the first

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Pressures on employees at work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Pressures on employees at work - Essay Example The designed guidelines touch on the numerous and diverse demands made by staff workers and the degree of control that staff members have their duties and responsibilities. The guidelines additionally address the managerial support systems within a workplace, the degree of clarity of an individuals position and responsibilities attached to the position and staff relationships within the workplace. The guidelines provided by the Health Survey for England (HSE) are founded on broad studies. In the course of their formulation, HSE conferred with numerous stakeholders including employers, staff members, staff organizations and other interested parties. This approach was intended to improve the way organizations dealt with stress related issues at the workplace. Therefore, an individual may enquire what stress is. It is defined as an unfavourable reaction individuals have to intense demands or other forms of demands placed upon them. It is different from basic workplace pressure, which sometimes develops motivational tendencies. The unfavourable response can negatively affect the affected individuals mental health developing into extreme cases of anxiety and depression. Individual-environment fit theory states that the effects of stress may come about when intimidating workplace demands culminate into unevenness in the interrelation between a person and the environment of his or her workplace. Even though dominant, the framework is regarded by some scholars to have produced an unclear method to the analysis of work-related stress (Chemers et al. 1985) and it remains to be seen whether the confusion existing between the fit theory and its evaluation will end anytime soon. Another theory developed later known as the job strain theory has put emphasis on the interrelation between objective demands of the occupation environment and staff choice autonomy (Karasek & Theorell 1990). The focus is on the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Industrial safety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Industrial safety - Essay Example The findings of the studies conducted indicate that ignorance of the safety rules is not a problem anymore. Most workers are aware of the need of taking safety precautions while the industry and other industries are also aware of this (Reese, 2009). This is noted also in the extensive training sessions that both employees and employers have reported going to, all in a bid to observe the rule and avoid at all costs, any accidents at the workplace (Wilson et al, 2003). The numbers not aware of this are impressively quite low, which is a good thing. Another finding is that workers in industries are exposed to heavy machinery. With heavy machinery comes the risk of hurting oneself, which could probably lead to death. They are also exposed to hazardous chemicals and gases (Wilson et al., 2003). This means that both the workers and the industry owners need to be well prepared for unpredicted occurrences. The unprepared workers also need enlightenment on safety matters. Several of the workers have on occasions refused to perform tasks that they thought were hazardous to them or to their co-workers. Whatever was found out in the studies is crucial and goes a long way in reducing the incidences of accidents and deaths in the workplace (Reese, 2009). The fact that the workers and owners of the industries are aware of the safety precautions helps in this. This means that all will be done to ensure safe working conditions (Wilson et al., 2003). What is impressive is that workers mind each other. They will do everything to make sure that they look out for their co-workers. They join hands in refusing to work in poor risky conditions. This is because they have all come to the realization that their safety comes first. This studies have also gone to show that employees, whether on contract or hired, understand what the safety policies require of them and they are in good behavior maintaining their safety (Reese, 2009). The

Friday, August 23, 2019

Placement Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Placement Report - Essay Example Marks and Spencer has successfully expanded its market and today it has more than 900 retail outlets all over the world. It is also listed in London Stock Exchange. The company however started facing problems relating to its marketing department. Main theme of Marks & Spencer was to provide high quality and innovative products along with exceptional services but the company has started to fail in achieving these objectives because of the wide expansion in their product portfolio. Due to the expansion in the portfolio the company has lost its main objective slightly and because of this reason, competitors are able to grab the opportunity. However, the quality of service has been one of the hallmarks that have helped the company to survive difficult times and make sure that the company is able to do well than its competitors. This report analyses my personal experience that I have gone through during my employment at Marks and Spencer. The report analyses and evaluates not only my expe rience, but the experience of the overall team with which I was working. The report also highlights the success reasons of the team and the success factors because of which the team was able to accomplish the project appropriately and successfully. The report also presents the scenario and case that Marks and Spencer was facing and how our team helped the company to solve the issue and make sure that the company flourishes. This report also reflects my personal skills that I have developed during the employment period. Moreover, the report also highlights how I have been able to use my marketing concepts and knowledge at the organization that helped Marks and Spencer to achieve its objectives. EVALUATING THE WORK OF THE TEAM Marks and Spencer is a big name in the retail industry of United Kingdom as well as in other European countries. However, the company has been facing different types of issues. Some of the major issues that Marks and Spencer has been facing include: Bad position ing Uncompetitive prices Unavailability of the product in some of the outlets of the company Lack of awareness of the product in the mind of consumers Not focusing on traditional marketing techniques and promotional tools Issues in the Customer services of the company I found the abovementioned issues that have negatively impact the company and its sales over the years. However I was working in the customer services department and therefore the main issues that I have identified in this department include: Proactive customer services Poor presentations Ensuring customer satisfaction level Offering more products to customers or increasing sales per customer As a customer sales representative, I along with my team mates was assigned different tasks to solve the abovementioned issues. Our team was given training in order to improve the customer relationship and build better relations with the customers. Moreover, our team also worked ourselves and formulated different strategies in ord er to improve the reputation of the retail outlet in which I was working. At Marks and Spencer, employees are given some kind of freedom on how to satisfy the customers however they are given a broad outline of how to go

Thursday, August 22, 2019

A written reprimand on a manager that does not have managerial skills Essay

A written reprimand on a manager that does not have managerial skills with her employees. and has no commucation skills, and a drinking problem - Essay Example The firm considers this issue a health problem and we are offering to help you pay for a rehabilitation program with normal salary and benefits until completion of the program. â€Å"Since alcohol affects many organs in the body, long term excessive drinking puts a problem drinker at risks for developing serious health problems† (Alcoholics-info). There are other issues not concerned with health and image that are affecting your performance as a manager. Your past employee evaluation revealed that you lack a lot of important managerial skills to do your job well. Some important managerial skills include observation, monitor employee performance, analytical abilities, good decision making, technical report writing skills, the ability to conduct research, and communication skills. (White, 2011). The written reports you have submitted to the company serve as empirical evidence of your inability to write using proper grammar and spelling. A manager is expected to have excellent written communication skills. We strongly encourage that you enroll in a technical report writing course as soon as possible to fix this problem. Another skill deficiency we have identified is your poor research skills. A recent report you submitted did not include any references to support your claims. You must remember that research takes time and you must read first lots of newspapers, journal articles, and databases as part of the research process. A third de ficiency that concerned the company that is imperative for you to perform your job well is your verbal communication ability. Effective communication occurs when the intended meaning equals the perceive meaning (Schermerhorn & Hunt & Osborn, 2003, pg. 339). The company has received multiple complaints from employees concerning your communication abilities. Several employees claim that you never listen to them and you make decisions without considering their input. As a manager

Age of exploration Essay Example for Free

Age of exploration Essay Which term best describes the period? God,Gold, and Glory European adventures explored North America with the motivation of God,Gold, and Glory This alone tells you that this was an age of exploitation. I believe it was Hernan Cortez who told the Aztec natives that his men suffered from a disease that could only be cured by Gold. Let us not forget that at this time Spain was trying to become a world Power. After Columbuss first voyage in 1493 Spain sent out ships to the Pope demanding rights to Columbuss discoveries. The Pope agreed and Spain was entitled to any non-christian western Lands discovered but only if the native population were converted to Christianity. At these times religion was used as a form of control.. Many can argue that the Pope could have also benefited from letting the conquistadors explore the western lands and convert the natives to Christianity. Many European countries were expanding and exploring for several reasons..By claiming more Territory and resources,A country would become more wealthier. And powerful. After Cortez conquered Mexico all there natives were used as slaves and Most of the valuable riches were transported back to Spain. All natives were killed by disease or slave work and the few that survived were forced to convert to Christianity. What once may have started as exploration would soon get consumed by Greed,power,and Exploitation. Many European countries were expanding and exploring other countries for several reasons many European countries were expanding and exploring other countries for several reasons

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Gaming in Education

Gaming in Education EDUCATION RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS The effectiveness of game playing activities helps students retain English vocabulary CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Vocabulary is a key element in the second language class. Without vocabulary, no message is conveyed. In communication, vocabulary plays an important role, it requires learners have to acquire many of the words and know how to use them to communicate effectively. Although Vietnamese students realize the importance of learning vocabulary, they neglect in some English courses. In a vocabulary lesson, a vast amount of teaching time is consumed by explanation and definition, classroom blackboards are often littered with masses of new lexical items, and students compile page upon page of word-lists that they rarely have chance to practice. Obviously, vocabulary arises in the classroom regardless of the chosen activity, and in spite of any conscious design on the teachers part. As the result, most students, not just those with learning problems, rarely retain the meaning of vocabulary items. That is why, for most students, learning vocabulary in language lessons is time of failure and disappointment in which they gradually feel boring, often resorting to misbehavior in the classroom and a gradual rejection of the work that the teacher is doing for them. Nguyen Khuat (2003) state that students study the second language, vocabulary learning is regar ded as boring because of remembering unfamiliar vocabulary and their learning habits. With the increasing emphasis on vocabulary in foreign learning, nowadays, various vocabulary teaching methods have been introduced to help students to retain vocabulary items. And it is my experience, as a teacher of English, that vocabulary has to be presented in a way that helps students find language lessons, especially vocabulary lessons more interesting and comprehensible for them to learn, I have chosen the topic: The effectiveness of game playing activities helps students retain English vocabulary. Game playing activities not only can help reinforce students vocabulary, grammar, but also can create a non- stressful and effective learning atmosphere. This paper will aim to investigate the effectiveness of game playing activities in English teaching in my College. 1.1. Background of the school and the students. As a teacher of English for non-major English students at Viet Hung Industrial College (VIC), I can clearly see the present situation of students English knowledge and vocabulary at VIC. The students ability to use English for communication is still limited. This is due to: the students level of English when entering college is low and of mixed ability. Many of the students come from the rural areas, they did not have a lot of chances to practice English at the high school. Some of them have learnt English for the three years or seven years at the high school where only written English is taught. Therefore, they can hardly ever communicate in English. They often feel shy because of poor English knowledge and vocabulary. As a result, the teachers often find it confusing to teach to improve individual skills for the students. Thus, my school has used basic material to teach, that is: New English File Elementary. This material integrates four skills, it helps students revise knowledge and practice skills, which is important to their career. 1.2. The aims of the study. The study aims to investigate the effect of using game playing activities in teaching and learning English vocabulary at VIC. It is also to find out the students interest and progress toward game playing activities in lessons. 1.3. Research questions. 1. Are game playing activities effective in teaching and learning English vocabulary at Viet Hung Industrial College? 2. How do the students react upon the use of games in lessons? 1.4. The scope of the study. There are a lot of activities that help students to retain vocabulary. However, in this study I would focus my research on game playing activities in term of English vocabulary teaching and learning in order to help students at VIC to learn vocabulary effectively. 1.5. The significance of the study. It is hoped that the findings of the study will be useful for the researcher as well as other teachers at VIC to help students vocabulary retention be effective. It is also hoped that students and teachers will have a good habit of using interesting and active activities in teaching and learning vocabulary at VIC. 1.6. Structure of the report. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Teaching and learning vocabulary. 2.1.1. What do learners need to known about words and word learning? Gain Redman (1986) show that learners should attend to two large aspects when studying a word: Word meaning (conceptual and affective meaning, style, sense relation, collocation, idioms etc). Word formation (grammar, word building, and pronunciation). For word meaning and word formation, we find: Word meaning. In teaching the meaning of word, teachers should teach students that a word have more than one meaning when used in different contexts. For example, the word â€Å"string† has at least fourteen different meanings when used in context. It has four meanings as a verb, five meanings as a noun, and five different meanings when used with prepositions as phrasal verbs. One can say â€Å"The string is very dirty†; another â€Å"He strings in the tree†. Teachers should make the teaching and learning vocabulary process clear and easy for their students when learning any meaning, otherwise students feel bored with learning vocabulary. Nation (1990) suggests that teachers teach meaning to students, they can use techniques and activities to motivate students such as: demonstration, pictures or verbal explanation. Word formation. Students also need to know word form like word grammar and word building in order to use them. For example, for the common prefixes and suffixes, if students know the meaning of un-, dis- and able, this will help them guess the meanings of words like unhappy, disadvantage and sustainable. Another way, vocabulary items are built by combining two words (two nouns, a gerund and a noun, or a noun and a verb) to make one items: a single compound word, or two separate, sometimes hyphenated words (bookshelf, stand-by, air letter). Lewis (1993) points out that vocabulary, which includes not only the single words but also the word combinations that we store in our mental lexicons. Therefore, word formation is a very important in teaching vocabulary. In conclusion, relating to words students have to attend to variety of lexical areas such as word meaning, word formation, word grammar and word use, etc. However, which of these areas the teachers choose to highlight depend on the item they are teaching and the level of their students But to whatever word or what level the students are, word meaning and word formation are the first two areas they must acquire well. 2.2. Games for teaching and learning. Linguists, teachers and students think that language games are a negative activity or a waste of time. Many of them, who have not tried using language games yet, still doubt if these language games would be useful or practically possible with their students. However, there are views which are far different from those above. For them, in teaching and learning, games are one of the most useful strategies to encourage language acquisition. They have been used to promote students language proficiency in variety of aspects: grammar, vocabulary, writing, speaking etc. â€Å"Games should not be regarded as a marginal activity filling in odd moments when teacher and class have nothing better to do† (Lee 1979: 3). In this part, we will explore a clear understanding of game in the classroom. 2.2.1. Definition of games in teaching. In order to understand the concept of games in teaching, we see ideas of the researchers about games in general. Deesri (2002) gives the definition to game as one kind of effective activity that you do to have fun. Hadfield (1990) says that game is a language activity with the rules, goals and elements of fun carried out by cooperating and competing players. Greenal (1990) also defines games as an element of competition between students or teams in the language practice. Thus, we can see that games consist of plays governed by rules, relaxation, cooperation and competition. Games can motivate the students to focus on learning, because they do not feel forced and stressed. For this, games are used for developing skills, vocabulary, or grammar, etc. 2.2.2. Advantages of using games in language classes. Games have advantages and effectiveness in the language classes. What are these advantages? Games are used to motivate students very highly, whenever they have opportunity to play a game, they are encouraged to choose their players and this motivates them to participle in playing game. However, sometimes, choosing the player is made by the teacher in order to help the weaker students interact with the more able ones. As a result, the weaker students are helped to gain confidence or knowledge by being guided by their fellow students. Games are also an element of competition between players. According to Saricoban Metin (2000), games provide competition to enhance the motivation of the students. I-Jung (2005) also suggests that games create the competition for students having opportunity to work together and communicate using English with each other. Thus, competition will help students pay attention to learning and engage in the activities in the class much more. And Nguyen Khuat (2003) also point out that games involve friendly competition and they make students intereste d. These help the motivation for students of English to get involved and participate actively in learning. Students always feel tired of grammatical lessons, words and long time learning periods. Games are used to change learning atmosphere to help students reduce the stress in the classroom. As a result, games will bring students fun and relaxation, they will study more effectively. Richard-Amato (1988:147) shows that â€Å"games can lower anxiety, thus making the acquisition more likely†. It is clear that students naturally want to play language games because these games can help them practice their language through playing. Therefore, it is the right time to offer them a game when they are tired of acquiring new lessons that they do not want to continue. Carrier (1990) suggests that games can be used to emphasize long formal teaching units and renew students energy before returning to more formal learning. Games stimulate students to work together in role-playing, talking, arguing and debating, and using the language in a variety of contexts. Even when played competitively, games demand a high degree of cooperation. It proves that student-student communication is created. On the other hand, when using a game, the teacher acts as a helper. He helps his students what they need to complete the games, such as: new words, new structures or some suggestions. Carrier(1990) claims that games are often used in the classroom to encourage students participation and corporation and can remove the inhibitions of those who feel intimidated by formal classroom situations. When using games with classmates in groups students do not worry too much about mistakes or they will be corrected by other students. In addition, to each game more proficient students or less proficient ones have their strong points so they can corporate to one another to get their teams goal. Therefore, games help students improv e their team-working and group-working spirit. Finally, games help increase students proficiency, so when students play a game they have to work with others, they interact and use skills concerning language. To complete the game, all the members work together to score as many points as possible. To win the game or to solve the problem, students have to think and answer the questions addressed by the teacher or other students. In order to do so they must understand that the teacher or the classmates order to practice. Games in the language classes can enhance students ability in practicing language because students can use language in the situation provided (Deesri, 2002). Zdybiewska (1994) agrees that games are the good way to practice language, they supply for learners to use the language in the real context. Kim (1995:35) summarizes the advantages of using language games as follows: 1. Games are a welcome break from the usual routine of the language class. 2. They are motivating and challenging. 3. Learning a language requires a great deal of effort. Games help students to make and sustain the effort of learning. 4. Games provide language practice in the various skills-speaking, writing, listening and reading. 5. They encourage students to interact and communicate. 6. They create a meaningful context for language use. 2.2.3. Advantages of Vocabulary Games It is not enough if only advantages of using games in language classes are considered in this study. I have decided to study the advantages of vocabulary games, too. These advantages can be understood as follows: Vocabulary games make fun and relaxation for students in learning words because they are not alone in learning process, they are learning in exciting atmosphere of groups. This activity motivates students to enrich their vocabulary. Nguyen Khuat (2003) also affirm that games create relaxed and fun atmosphere for learners, thus, they help learners learn and remember words more easily. According to Urberman (1998), after learning and practicing vocabulary items, students have chance to use language in an unstressed way. Vocabulary games help English used in the classroom be flexible and communicative through real world context which is useful and meaningful. Frost (2002) says that using pictures, interesting contexts and stories can help memory and giving the students the opportunity to practice the new vocabulary in personalized and meaning tasks are also essential tools. The idea is that if the students are asked to analyze and react personally to new information, it will help them process the language more deeply, facilitating their ability to retain it better. Vocabulary games provide students some chances to discover the meaning of words and the form of words by themselves and efforts to understand them, therefore, new words will be remembered and understood much faster and better. Hadfield (1990) states that when introducing word games paid much attention to reinforce vocabulary. In his opinion, to retain a word in one memory after presentation of it, learners should go through three distinct processes: fixing the meaning of the word in their mind, making the word their own by personalizing it so that it takes on a color and a character for them and become part of their individual word store, and then using it creatively in a context for themselves. Therefore, he classified the games in accordance with these processes: memorization games, personalizing games and communication games. Vocabulary games include many encouraging exercises that really help students revise the learned words effectively. â€Å"Word games are useful for practicing and revising vocabulary after it has been introduced† (Haycraft 1978: 50). Frost (2002) suggests that some activities and games as using word cards, word bag, word tour, etc and with which students can revise words in a funny and meaningful ways. He emphasized that by encouraging the students to retrieve the words in subsequent lessons and repeatedly re-exposing them to what has been presented, teachers are able to counteract the effects of forgetting. Teachers are advised to do this as many times as possible. Uberman (1998) also agrees that games are useful for revising any types of words or aspects of word in a more amusing way than most of the other techniques. Playing a game is a great opportunity to repeat the material in a way which is encouraging and not intimidating. Therefore, games in teaching and learning vocabulary are very useful in the classroom and the use of vocabulary games is a factor to create the lessons more enjoyable, interesting and effective to motivate students to learn vocabulary. 2.2.4. When to use games? Games are necessary for language practice opportunities for both general and specific language skills, and they should be seen as a necessary part of a teaching program, and their use should be planned and monitored. Carrier (1990) suggests that games can be used to open or close a lesson, to relieve tension after a test or concentrated practiced session. Rixon (1981) also shows that games can be used for stages of the lesson. Thus, games can be use at any time that the teacher feels appropriate. It is important they are used positively, to give students enjoyment and useful practice, as well as being used as a thing that reduces harmful aspects in situations where students interest or motivation is flagging. Although games should be used regularly, this should not become a meaningless habit. The elements of surprise and variety should be carefully maintained. However, the mount of teaching time for games will depend on the individual teaching context, but it will probably be a relatively small proportion of the total teaching time. According to Deesri (2002), teachers have to cover contents and materials that the curriculum asks, and it is difficult to combine games into the class. Nevertheless, games become one of the means to achieve teaching objectives and improve students communicated ability and help them gain their goals. The difficult task for a teacher is how to choose the suitable type of game, the time devoted to it, and the opportunity of using it. CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY This chapter provides readers the detailed description of the study, namely the research methodology, the data collection instruments, the data analysis and discussion of the findings. 3.1. The English teaching and learning situations in VIC. English have been taught in VIC for.years, however, English department has been formed for 4 years with 14 teachers. The learners in VIC are mainly vocational students; their need of English learning is very low. In particular, the students of technical departments with about 100 percent male students, they almost have no interest in learning foreign languages. In recent years with the development of the college, VIC has trained a lot of students in tourism and business administration, who with high need of English learning. It is a good signal for the college in general and the teachers of English in particular. The course book is being used in the college is New English file-Elementary. This course book consists of nine lessons with grammar structures, vocabulary, pronunciation, and skills to get students speaking English. A curriculum has been designed to teach the units in the course book in 1 semester and in 75 lesson periods. During the semester, students are required to do three tests that concentrate on grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing to be given marks. At the end of the semester students have to do the written final semester test and the speaking test that of course given marks to be qualified together with 3 marks mentioned above. 3.2. Research methodology 3.2.1. The subjects. The subjects in this study were the teachers and the students in VIC. The teachers: There were 14 teacher subjects in this study. They were all trained in universities in Vietnam with MA in English. Among of these, two teachers have had BA and three have been doing a BA course. They are teaching English to non-English major learners at VIC. They are from 30 to 52 years old with at least 5 years of teaching experience. The students: In this study, there are 100 student subjects were selected randomly from different classes represent different departments in VIC. Their ages vary from 18 to 25. 3.2.2. The instrumentation. Interview: The interview questions (Appendix.) were formatted and used for all the subjects in two separate group interviews (the group of the teachers and the group of the students) to discover their opinions, problems and progress toward the games in vocabulary teaching and learning. Observation: A self-observation: A self-observation checklist was created (Appendix.) to ask the teachers and students about their teaching and learning abilities. Real observation: The researcher observed the classes of three teachers at VIC to discover how they teach vocabulary and how their students learn. 3.3. Data analysis and discussion of the findings. CHAPTER 4: CONCUSION 4.1. Summary and review of the main findings Games have much more advantages, they are used both entertainment and educational purposes. Using game activities is a useful technique in teaching and learning the English language to non-native students because it creates fun, interesting and motivation in lessons. The research aims to investigate the effectiveness of game activities and the real situation of teaching and learning of Viet Hung Industrial College. The experiment was carried out with the participation of two groups (the group of the teachers and the group of the students) at VIC during a period of 8 weeks. An interview and observations were used as data collection instrument. The result of the experiment shows that in retaining vocabulary, games are the most effective and games also receive positive attitude from the students in the experimental group. Although few students did not really like games, the majority of the students agreed with the use of games in vocabulary classes. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that games should be used for vocabulary teaching and learning at VIC because they can bring about a great deal of benefits to learners. However, the teachers have to pay more attention to some unanticipated problems during the conduction of the activity in order to get successful results. 4.2. Limitation and suggestions for further study. Although the paper has accomplished the objectives set at the beginning, the research can not avoid some limitations. The shortcomings of the present study are essentially about the subject of the study and the content of interview and observations. Apart from that the interview and observations focus mainly on the investigation into games activities based on teaching techniques, so there are possible inadequateness of their content. Besides, the research is carried out in a very limited scope in term of classroom based vocabulary teaching and learning: game activities that help students retain vocabulary. In fact, there are a number of activities that help students of all level retain vocabulary. The research will serves for further research on activities that help students retain vocabulary. REFERENCES I-Jung, C. (2005). Using Games to Promote Communicative Skills in Language Learning. The Internet TESL Journal, 11(2). Retrieved November 5, 2009, from Frost, R. (2002). Presenting vocabulary. British Council. Retrieved November 8, 2009, from Uberman, A. (1998). The Use of Games: for Vocabulary Presentation and Revision. English Teaching Forum, 36(1). Retrieved November 5, 2009, from Richar-Amato, P. A. (1988). Making it happen. New York. Longman. Saricoban, A,. Metin, E. (2000). Songs, Verse and Games for teaching Grammar. The Internet TESL Journal, 6(10). Retrieved October 30, 2009, from Greenal, S. (1990). Language Games and Activities. Hulton Education Publications Ltd. Hadfield, J. (1990). Intermediate Communication Games. Hongkong: Longman. Rixon, S. (1981). How to use games in language teaching. London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd. Lee, W. R. (1979). Language teaching games and contests. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Haycraft, J. (1978). An introduction to English Language Teaching. Halow: Longman. Zdybiewska, M. (1994). One-hundred language games. Warszawa: WSiP. Deesri, A. (2002). Games in the ESL and EFL class. The internet TESL Journal, 8(9). Retrieved October 15, 2009, from Kim, L. S. (1995). Creative Games for the Language Class. 33(1), (p.35). Retrieved October 22, 2009, from Lewis, M. (1993). The Lexical Approach. Language Teaching Publications. Gairn, R., Redman, S. (1986). Working with words A Guide to teaching and learning Vocabulary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Nation, ISP. (1990). Teaching and learning vocabulary. New York: Newbury House. Nguyen, T. T. H. Khuat, T. T. N. (2003). The Effectiveness of Learning Vocabulary Through Games, Asian EFL Journal, 5(4). Retrieved October 19, 2009, from

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Traits Theory Of Leadership Management Essay

Traits Theory Of Leadership Management Essay Early research by Burns (1978) concluded that leadership is one of the most observed and least understood phenomena on earth (Burns, 1978). To enhance our understanding of leadership this chapter will critically review the early theories of leadership to current leadership research on transformational and transactional leadership style. It will also discuss how the current findings on leadership are likely to impact the commitment of members in National Union of Bank Employees (NUBE). 2.0 Leadership Leadership has become a hot topic with a burgeoning but fragmented literature in the past few years that draws on both the arts and the sciences. So far there is no agreed paradigm for the study and practice of leadership. The concept of leadership has seized the attention and concern of many researchers in the field of management, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and others in the last century. Such a concern is due to the important roles leaders play in facilitating organizational effectiveness and performance through their behaviors or styles they exhibit and competencies they posses. Indeed, in this context, one measure organizational effectiveness is members commitment (Meyer et al., 2002). It is the contention that the present study is conducted to determine how leadership style affects commitment amongst employees at work. So, what is leadership? The concept of leadership has been defined differently by scholars in terms of the emphasis on leaders traits, influence, competencies, individual vs., and group orientation and cognitive vs. emotional orientations. Burns (1978) defines leadership as a mobilization process by individuals with certain motives, values and access to resources in a context of competition and conflict in the pursuit of goals. More recently, Nigel Nicholson speaks of leadership as either a position or a process (Bradshaw, 2002). If a process, he says, it is about influencing other people, and this requires knowing oneself, knowing those other people, and knowing how to influence them. In order to understand how leadership is conceptualized, it is necessary to look at the leadership styles and variety of leadership theories developed, as follows. Traits Theory of Leadership Trait theories on leadership started in the twentieth century and formal theories on leadership were given by sociologists, experts in human behavior and psychologists. The researchers from 1920s to 1960s focused on the personality of leader and tried to find some traits as the basic of successful leadership (Adair, 1984). Frederick Taylor (1856-1915) cultivated the theory of leadership for the first time for leading in the formal organizations. His basic idea was to increase output by using scientific parameter. According to Bass (1990), successful leadership is determined by factors classified into six groups: achievement, responsibility, capacity, participation and situation. He also claimed that leaders are born but no made. The main assumptions of trait theory are the (a) the common features that characterize are considered as the criteria to define the suitability and successfulness of leadership; (b) an effective leader inherits and learns his/her traits, and (c) leaders are born and not made. To test the traits theory, Gordon (1987) carried out a study to define the relationship between characteristics of personality and leadership. He found a significant relationship between the ability of taking responsibility and leadership. He further found a weak but positive relationship between intelligence, authority and intelligence, and leadership. In a different study to illustrate the differences between leaders and non-leaders in terms of their personalities and traits, Beer et al. (1990) found that leaders were identified as being serious, self-dependent, confident of their competencies, best decision makers, and reasonable in expressing thoughts. They also revealed that leaders are characterized by being able to take responsibility, are self motivated, more persuasive, more capable in influencing others, more energetic, and more diplomatic. Stogdill (1974) carried out a survey of the factorial studies between 1945 and 1970 to define the main features of a leader. He found that leadership traits are defined into six main types: corporal traits, social background, intelligence, capability, personality traits, relevant to task, and social features. The results also showed that an effective leader has skills such as social and personality skills, technical skills, managerial skills, intellectual skills, friendship-achievements skills, being supportive for team work, and being defensive towards work. Situational Theories of Leadership Situational theories appeared as a reaction to the trait theory of leadership. Situational Leadership Theory Ability level of the officer High 5 4 3 2 1 Delegating Supporting Coaching Directing Willingness level of the officer Low High Low 1 2 3 4 5 The Situational Leadership Theory suggests that effective leadership requires both acts of leadership and management. Depending on the level of each of these acts necessary, four different styles of leadership can be utilized. These are delegating, coaching, directing, and supporting. For a leader to be purposeful in their direction, they must use the correct style by being able to evaluate a followers readiness level. In other words, they must meet a follower where they are. Fiedler Contingency Model Functional theory 2.3 Early Description of Relation- Oriented and Task-Oriented Leadership Behavior The study of leadership has an important place in the study of management and organization behavior for several decades. There is no other role in organization has been focused more interest than the leader (SchwandtMarquardt, 2000). The early study of leadership behavior separate those behaviors into relation-oriented and task oriented leadership. Relations-oriented leadership focuses on the quality of the relationship with followers, whereas task oriented leadership focus on the task to be accomplished by followers (Bass, 1990). Researchers have used various terms to describe relations-oriented and task oriented leadership behaviors. Bass (1990) provides an overview of terms used by several researchers. For example, descriptions of relations-oriented leadership behaviors have included participatory decision making (Ouchi, 1981), supportive (Bowers Seashore,1966), concern for people (Blake Mouton,1964), emphasizing employee needs(Fleishman,1957), people centered (Anderson,1974) and leadership (Zaleznik,1977). For both types of leadership behaviors, the most recent descriptions came from Bass Avolio (1995, 1997). They describe relations-oriented behaviors as Idealized Influence (attributed), Idealized Influence (behavior), Individualized Consideration, Intellectual Stimulation and Inspirational Motivation. Their task-oriented description include contingent reward, management-by-exception (active) and management-by-exception (passive) Burns (1978) comprehensive theory formed the foundation for Basss (1985) transformational-transactional differentiation which has become considerable importance in the study of leadership in organization. 2.4 Transactional and Transformational Leadership Leadership style is defined as a pattern of emphases, indexed by the frequency or intensity of specific leadership behaviors or attitudes, which a leader places on the different leadership functions (Casimir, 2001). Theorists have come up with various leadership styles, namely autocratic leadership, transactional leadership, transformational leadership, and servant leadership. Some have been widely studied of by researchers and their effects on organizations have been established. Transformational leadership is one of the leadership styles that have been studied and its relationships with various elements in management have been established. Transformational leadership is a style of leadership whereby a leader can motivate a subordinate to perform above and beyond what he or she had previously believed possible (Bass, 1985). A study performed by Parry (2003) in public sector organizations found that transformational leadership style has a positive effect on the innovation and effectiveness of these organizations. According to Bass Avolio(1995), transactional leadership refers to an influence process to exchange valued rewards for performance. Thus, transactional leadership embraces based exchange relationship. The leader promotes uniformity by providing extrinsic (positive or negative) reward to the collaborators (Cardona, 2000). Transactional leadership encompasses fairly traditional managerial styles where managers or leaders gain compliance and performance by either offering rewards or punishing deviations from standards. This is the pattern of leadership prevalent in most organizations and organizational situations because it contains a basic mechanism of exchange relations which becomes possible when there is no outstanding sense of impeding threat or anxiety. Bass (1985) conceptualized transformational leaders as unique motivators who encourage follower to go beyond their believed capabilities in pursuit of a shared, common goal. Transformational leaders are concerned about efficiency and the achievement of organization goal. They do so with a focus in supporting staff emotionally and intellectually. Basss initial views, characterized transformational leadership as the ability to elicit support and participation from followers through personal qualities. The significance of transactional and transformational leadership has been elaborated in the Full Range of Leadership Model (Avolio and Bass,1991) 2.5 The Full Range Leadership Model The full range leadership model is probably the most validated leadership model in use world-wide today. The originality of the full range leadership (FRL) model lies in the concept of a range of leadership behaviors which all leaders demonstrate. This model required a change for a balanced leadership behavior whereby moves away from the more transactional leadership towards the transformational leadership style. Bass (1999) was the one of the researcher to argue for a transformational style of leadership to transactional forms. Scholars have studied the full range leadership model (FRL) as a predictor of a variety of outcomes in organizations such as employees commitment, employee satisfaction, motivation, organizational effectiveness and performance. (Base and Stogdill, 1990; Barbuto et al., 2007) The Full Range Model describes three main types of leadership behavior to transformational behavior ranging from completely inactive (laissez-faire) to transactional behaviors to transformational behaviors. Thus, transactional and transformational leadership are seen to be in a continuum rather than being mutually exclusive (Yammarino, 1993; Bass and Avolio, 1994). According to Base and Avolio(1995) Laissez-faire is non leadership behaviors that imply the leaders indifference towards both followers actions and organizational outcomes, as well as demonstrating an attitude of abdicating responsibility (to make decisions, or address important issues). The laissez-faire leader, who is also referred to as non transactional is characterized by a relative lack of concern for his subordinates (Bass and Riggio, 2006). The Full Range Leadership (FRL) Model consists of three transactional leader characteristics. Contingent Reward Contingent reward is the classical transactional leadership style. Here the leader sets very clear goals, objectives and targets and clarifies, either openly or by inference, what rewards can be expected for successful completion. Contingent reward leaders are found to be reasonably effective, although not as much as the five Is in transformational leadership for motivating others to achieve higher levels of performance. These leaders assign agreements on what needs to be done and promise rewards or actually reward followers for satisfactory carrying out the assignment. Management by Exception (passive) Management by exception (passive) refers to the process of paying attention to the exceptional rather than the normal. Thus management by exception leaders tend to be relatively laissez-faire under normal circumstances but take action when problem occur, mistakes are made or deviation from standards are apparent. Leaders wait passively for deviances and errors to occur and then take corrective action (Avolio and Bass,1991) Management by Exception (active) Management by exception (active) leaders is found to be less effective than contingent reward leaders but is still required in certain situations. They arrange to actively to actively monitor deviances from standards, mistakes and errors in the followers assignments and to take corrective action as necessary. The leader pays very close attention to any problem or deviations and has extensive and accurate monitoring and control system to provide early warnings of such problems. In the Full Range Leadership (FRL) Model, Bass (1998) divided transformational leadership into four scales. Idealized Influence Idealized Influence is often associated with charismatic leadership (e.g Shamir, 1993; Yulk,1999). Leaders portraying idealized influence attributes have the socialized charisma (Avolio and Bass, 2002). They are perceived as being confident and powerful, and viewed as focusing on higher-order ideals and ethics. Such leaders are often seen as being high on morality, trust, integrity, honesty and purpose. House and Shamir (1993) have said that charismatic leaders demonstrate determination, optimism, and confidence in them to accomplish the mission and realize the vision. For example, Dr Martin Luther King inspired people through his oratorical skills in the face of unpromising resistance. Leaders who exert idealized influence behave in ways that demonstrate high standards of ethical and moral conduct (Bass, 1998). Idealized influence is behavior that encourages followers to use their leaders role model. Inspirational Motivation Inspirational Motivation involves communicating the vision to followers, fostering follower identification with the vision, focusing follower efforts, arousing their self awareness of higher goals and motivations and sustaining positive emotional arousal and identification with these goals (Bans, 1990).Inspirational motivation leaders motivate and inspire followers by providing meaning and challenge to work. These leaders engage followers in envisioning attractive future states and created communicated expectations that followers want to meet. Intellectual Stimulation Intellectual stimulation essentially involves the leader stimulating the follower to think through issues and problems for themselves and thus to develop their own abilities. This leadership approach reflects in large measure the coaching, morale building strengths of individualized consideration. Leaders stimulate followers effort to be innovative and creative by questioning assumptions, reframing problems and approaching old situations in new ways. New ideas and creativity problem solutions are solicited from followers who are included in the process of addressing problems and finding solutions. Individualized Consideration Individualized consideration includes mentoring, coaching, continuous feedback, and linking the individuals current needs to the organizations mission (Bass, 1990).leaders pay special attention to the needs of each individual follower for achievement and growth. Leaders who use this style of leadership show consideration for their workers need and are prepared to encourage and coach the development of appropriate workplace behavior. Individualized consideration leaders pay special attention to the needs of each individual follower for achievement and growth. Followers are developed to successively higher level of potential (Fukushige and Spicer, 2007) In the Full Range Leadership (FRL) Model, the transformational leader follower relationship is viewed as one of mutual stimulation (Barbuto, 1997). The influence of transformational leaders was distinguished on the hierarchical scale of moral development measured by Kohlbergs conceptualization (Popper et, al., 2002). This in more study also reports transformational leaders are classified as more morally advanced than transactional leaders. Figure 1: Full Range Leadership Model 1 PASSIVE ACTIVE Effective Transactional Laissez-faire Laissez-faire Transformational Leadership Management Figure 2: Full Range Leadership Model 2 Increase impact on commitment Laissez-faire Management-by-exception Contingent Reward Intellectual Stimulation Inspirational Motivation Idealized Influence Individualized consideration McGuire and Kennerly (2006) identifies the relationship between organizational leadership and members commitment in the literature since 1950s. McGuire and Kennerly states that transactional and transformational leadership style provides a framework for interaction that might affect the employees relationship, commitment, and work environment. The leadership style adopted by the leaders of National Union of Bank Employees(NUBE) will influence all the activities of union.(Naude and McCabe,2005). According to Bass (1990), transformational leaders demonstrated the four characteristics of idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration. Transformational leaders inspired others to improve performance, satisfied and achieved outcomes beyond expectations. McGuire and Kennerly (2006) reported increased loyalty, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and morale with transformational leaders compared with limited levels of job satisfaction and lower levels of organizational commitment with transactional leadership. Many studies involving the broad categories of transformational and transactional leadership behaviors, as well as specific behaviors within those categories have demonstrated that these behavior impact both individual and organizational effectiveness. Organizational commitment is a construct that explores effectiveness outcomes in similar areas. 2.6 Organizational Commitment Organizational commitment plays an important role in the study leadership. This is in part due to the number of works that have found relationships between organizational commitment and attitudes and behaviors in the workplace (Porter et al, 1974, Angle and Perry, 1981). Organizational commitment has linked to leadership behaviors that are relations-oriented and task-oriented. DeCotiisSummers(1987) found that when employees were treated with consideration they show greater level of commitment. Jermier Berkes (1979) discovered that employees who participate in decision making had higher levels of commitment to the organization. Organizational commitment provides a broad measure of the effectiveness of leadership behaviors. This relationship offers a way to further explore the subject of leadership. Bycio, Hackett, Allen (1995) reported positive correlations between the leadership behaviors of charisma, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, and contingent reward and affective, continuance and normative commitment. Studies suggest that committed workers contribute to the organization in more positive ways (Meyer and Allen,1997). 2.6.1 Definition of Commitment Organizational commitment has been defined differently by different scholars depending on their background. Multiple definitions of organizational commitment are found in the literature. However, Mowday et al (1979) defines organizational commitment as the relative strength of the identification of the individual and his involvement in his particular organization. According to this definition, organizational commitment has three basic components: A strong belief in and acceptance of the organizational goals and values(identification) A willingness to exert a considerable effort on behalf of the organization(involvement) A strong desire to remain with the organization. Sheldon (1971) defined commitment as being a positive evaluation of the organization and the organizational goals. According to Buchanan (1974) most scholars define commitment as being a bond between an individual (the employee) and the organization (the employer). In explaining the significance of organizational commitment, Bateman and Strasser(1984) state that the purpose of studying organizational commitment are related to (a) employees behavior and performance effectiveness, (b) attitudinal, affective and cognitive constructs such as job satisfaction, (c) characteristics of the employees job task, such as responsibility and (d) personal characteristics of the employee such as level of education. Commitment involves a willingness to exert considerable effort on behalf of the organization and acceptance of the values and goals of the organization (Ingersoll et al., 2000). Organizational commitment is influenced by such factors as individuals and organizational characteristics (Angle and Perry, 1983). For example organizational members continued commitment towards an organization could be influenced by such factors as benefits, status, monetary and interpersonal rewards. 2.6.2 Three Types of Organizational Commitment Meyer and Allen (1991) and Dunham et al (1994) identified three types of commitment; affective commitment, continuance commitment, and normative commitment. The differences between these three types of commitment reflect the psychological state that binds the individual to the organization. They argued that the affective component is determined by work experiences relating to the job of the person and structural characteristics. Continuance is determined by the magnitude and number of investments that have been made in the current organization and the number of perceived alternatives. Lastly, the normative component is determined by an individuals experiences prior to entry and during employment in the organization in terms of familial, cultural and organizational socialization. Affective commitment is defined as the emotional attachment, identification, and involvement that an employee has with its organization and goals (Mowday et al., 1997, Meyer Allen, 1993). They further state that affective communication is when the employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals in order to maintain membership to facilitate the goal. Meyer and Allen (1997) continue to say that employees retain membership out of choice and this is their commitment to the organization. Continuance commitment is the willingness to remain in an organization because of the investment that the employee has with nontransferable investments. Nontransferable include things such as retirement, relationship with other employees, or things that are special to the organization (Reichers, 1985). Continuance commitment t also includes factors such as years of employment or benefits that the employee may receive that are unique to the organization (Reichers, 1985). Meyer and Allen (1997) further explain that employees who share continuance commitment with their employer often make it very difficult for an employee to leave the organization. Normative Commitment (Bolon, 1993) is the commitment that a person believes that they have to the organization or their feeling of obligation to their workplace. In 1982, Weiner discusses normative commitment as being a generalized value of loyalty and duty. Meyer and Allen (1991) supported this type of commitment prior to Bolons definition, with their definition of normative commitment being a feeling of obligation. Normative commitment can be explained by other commitments such as marriage, family, religion, and etc. Therefore when it comes to ones commitment to their place of employment they often feel like they have a moral obligation to the organization (Wiener, 1982). In arguing for their framework, Meyer Allen (1991) contended that affective, continuance, and normative commitment were components rather than types because employees could have varying degree of all three. For example, one employee might feel both a strong attachment to an organization and a sense of obligation to remain. A second employee might enjoy working for the organization but also recognize that leaving would be very difficult from an economic standpoint. Finally, a third employee might experience a considerable degree of desire, need and obligation to remain with the current employer (Meyer Allen, 1997). Even though the authors present this argument, they do not imply that there is a rationale for summing all the scales to obtain an overall score for organizational commitment. 2.6 Previous Studies Ooi Chai Liang(2002) has conducted a research to identify whether there is a significant relationship between transformational leadership style and commitment in the organization. Research sample consist of 35 employees under the supervision of supervisors in Hotel Mercure Ace,Johor Bharu. Results from this research have proven that when situational factor is taken into consideration, motivation does not show significant effect on the relationship between transformational leadership and commitment in the organization. Whereas, situational motivation factor act as a predictor to the commitment in the organization. Research result also shows that there is no significant relationship between transformational leadership and commitment in the organization. Tan Bee Hong (2000) has conduct a research to identify the relationship between transformational and transactional leadership style with job performance. Research sample consist of 282 employees of blue collar in Technocom System Sdn Bhd(TSSB), Johor Bahru. Statistical technique such as Pearson Correlation Analysis used to determine the relationship between transformational and transactional leadership style with job performance. Research result shows that there is a significant relationship between dimensions of transformational and transactional leadership style with job performance. Wee Kok Cheng (2000) carried out research to identify the relationship between transformational and transactional leadership with job satisfaction. The researcher has concluded that transformational leadership style show a greater relationship with job satisfaction compared to transactional leadership. The study has been conducted on 45 respondents who are nurses and assistant nurses. The purpose of the study is to identify the leadership styles and job satisfaction of nurses in the department of Hospital Daerah Mersing, Johor Bahru. Research result shows that there is a positive relationship between transformational and transactional leadership style with job satisfaction. There were two dimensions of transformational leadership (Idealized Influence and Intellectual Stimulation) which shows the highest significant relationship with job satisfaction. Othaman Mohd Yunus(1994) has conduct a research to study the effect of transformational and transactional leadership between organizational culture and inspiration of a police and job performance and work stress among Polis Diraja Malaysia. Findings of the study shows, in certain situation dimensions of transformational and transactional leadership style plays a moderate role especially in the relationship of PDRM cultures with performance and work stress. Liong (1990) has carried out research to identify the validity of the transformational leadership in a sample of principles and teachers who were selected from 90 secondary schools in Singapore. According to the researcher, principals and teachers who adopt the characteristics of transformational leadership shows high level of job satisfaction and commitment towards schools. Effectiveness of leadership is manifested indirectly through measuring the effectiveness of schools such as higher academic achievement in public examination and success in the field of curriculum. Wiener Vardi(1980) states the impact that organizational commitment had on commitment to the job and career commitment. Their respondents were 56 insurance agents and 85 professional staffs. The researcher reported positive relationship between organizational commitment and the other two types of commitment. In nine studies involving 2734 people, Dunham, Grube Castaneda (1994) examined how participatory management and supervisory feedback influenced employee level of commitment. The researcher founds found that when supervisors provided feedback about performance and allowed employees to participate in decision making, employee levels of affective commitment was stronger than both continuance and normative commitment. It indicated employees staying with the organization were more related to wanting to, rather than needing to or feeling they ought to. In the study of 238 nurses, Cohen (1996) investigated the relationship between affective, continuance and normative commitment and the following other types of commitment: work involvement, job involvement, and career commitment. Findings revealed that affective commitment was more highly correlated with all the other types of commitment. In other words, exhibit higher levels of commitment to their work, their job and their career. Irving, Coleman,Cooper(1997) investigated the relationship between affective, continuance, and normative commitment and the outcome measures of job satisfaction and turnover intervention. Total participants for the study included 232 employees. Results revealed that job satisfaction was positively related to both affective and normative commitment. However, job satisfaction was negatively related to continuance commitment. All three types of commitment were negatively related to turnover intentions, with continuance commitment having the strongest negative relationship. . 2.2 Leadership Styles(Intro)chap 1 Grint (2000) has underscored that a clear understanding of leadership requires an historical approach. He stresses that a particular leadership style during a process of change is time based and that every period has room for a limited palette of leadership qualities (Velde, 2002). A style organizes the pragmatic activity of a leader, indicates how his actions are coordinated and how things and people that matter are determined and changed (Spinosa et al., 2001). It has been argued that organizations beliefs, values and assumptions are of critical importance to the overall style of leadership that they adopt (Bunmi, 2007). Leadership style is the behavior pattern used by leader to resolve the organizational issues. There are several different leadership styles that can be identified in various leaders.